Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some Thoughts on 9/11

I can't think of those towers coming down without being overtaken with a heavy heart. It was on that day six years ago that I first came to experience pure hate and evil. It was on that day that I came to know, without a doubt, that Satan was very much a reality, devoid of any light or humanity. It was on that day that came to the understanding that there were only two seeds that such a occurence could plant in one's heart and mind, either one of anger and intolerance or of understanding and compassion. I thought of Christ as he was mocked, scourged and spat upon and his words rang true with a clarity never before experienced, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." It was on that day I knew that my life should be spent respecting differences and building on commonalities, learning to listen, forgive, and seeking to understand; constructing a spirit of unity, instead of a creating chasum of alienation. I cried the day the scroll arose behind U2 during the Super Bowl halftime how. It was a touching, sincere moment in what is usually a superficial occurence.

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