Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dangerous Influences: China and Russia - Resources and Aid

The United States, in many eyes, is the world power. This, in many ways is true, but this country is not alone in the ability to have an influence on the world or do we, as a nation, alone hold all power in regards to economic power and natural resources. Many would like us to return to our isolationist ways and to act unilaterally. This is arrogance pure and simple. The United States must learn to work together with other world powers through dialogue and communication, not be so controlling in nature. The following two articles are insightful on how an unhealthy influence has been gained by Russia through their vast Oil resources and China through aid provided without any thought or consideration of human rights violations by recipients. This influence is allowed to develop when the United States is viewed as a Bully instead of a friend. It puts the World in a dangerous place when Democracy has lost face and efficacy.

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