Why procrastination one may ask? I guess the best place to start is by telling the story behind the title? About a year ago, I set the goal to crawl out of my hermit hole and t once again make contact with the world. True story, once upon a time I was a fairly sociable person who enjoyed the company of others, and all of the wonderful things that come with surrounding yourself with those that you love and admire. With age though, has come the habit of isolating myself and creating my own private world. Often times I come accross as being much more serious, stoic and stiff than I truly am. Point is, I set the goal to reach beyond myself to reconnect with the world out site, to make new friends, reconnect with old ones, and let the current ones know how grateful I am for them, and their examples.
That, to me, is a key compentent ofthe gospel, the relationships we cultivate with one another, the interaction of thought and emotion. simply put it is what I consider the D&C 50 principle, that we are hear to teach one another in a spirit of truth, whether that be through service, ordinance, or as often is the case, through our compassion and boldness. We are mentors to one another and come to personally know Christ in come to know one another, put aside our own selfish interests at times in the interest and needs of another. It is aboutcarrying our cross, denying oneself of thing of only a mere temporal worth. It is looking to Christ in every action and deed. That is what is meant t be taught by the spirit of truth and is when one truly comes to know what it means to rejoice and be edified together.
Back to the goal, a goal isn't much use until it is broken down into operational peices. The first peice was to write a letter, as often as I could to check in. Addition peices were to use the wonderful social technology of the Web 2.0 to let all of you into my wonderful world. In that spirit, I began my blog, and posted pictures online, and began to work on my website. This is where procrastination comes in. I could make 100 excuses, but I won't. The vision remained in my mind, but faith, without works is dead. It is in that vien, that I am recommitting myself to my goal. That is the splendid thing about goals: you can always revisit them.
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