Another good name for this post would have been pet peeves. All too often I here members of the church do a bit of historical name dropping, as if somehow this connects them on a more personal level to the gospel, but their commitment and engagement to the gospel ends there,; a fact that is little more than a historical footnote . Most likely, I am being a bit judgemental and cynical as it is in my nature, but I am a big believer in each of us being a link, organically mentored by those we allow to have influence on our lives. If we do not allow ourselves to be influenced, whether by the spirit or by faithful examples all around us, we are dead spiritually and hardened. In reality, this life is all about hope and exaltation, the two great gifts the atonement which are made manifest in our daily lifes through a focus on growth and progression. If dropping a name is to be able to say "look at me, I go way back" then don't bother, but if it isto recognize your roots because they have made you seek to be stronger and more devoted to the gospel, serving as mentors and templates on how you have chosen to live your life, than that's wonderful and inspiring. That being said though, those pioneers that crossed the plains and mountains to find a home to be able to live their faith free of persecution are not the only pioneers. As much as I love them and will forever be inspired by their faith and testimony, I am just as inspired both members who are the only members in their family, or community, and those in far off locations that face political and cultural pressure, who are breaking new ground. It is special to be decended from pioneer stock and something to be proud of, but should never be used to make ourselves appear self important, instead it should lead us to live lives of admiration and devotion to them and center ourselves on the Savior and the truthfulness of the fulness of the gospel, that one day we may serve as modern day pioneers to far distant generation. Anyone is a pioneer who helps this gospel to go forth, to find new ground, have greater influence, and find new souls Our pioneering efforts helping those individuals discover new vistas, horizons and hopes in their lives and the lives of their families, cultures and societies.
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