Dear Family, Friends and the Undecided,
The Fall semester is in full swing, for which I am glad. I enjoy being able to get to the meat of something and be able to just bear down and get things accomplished. My internship at Michener Library is going well. I am currently involved in a project that allows me to spend a quite a bit of time not only on the computer but also in the stacks. I’ve always enjoyed spending time in the stacks of any library. It is quite an adventure to be able to read the stacks and just discover what is in the collection. Often times an individual will come across a title that sparks their interest by nature of serendipitous discovery. I am a total library geek, always have been, always will be.
The garden continues to flourish. Mom and I bottled some Habanero Jelly and Strawberry and Rhubarb Jam this week. It is the most wonderful stuff on both counts. I took some pictures and will post them on my photo page sometime this week for those who are interested. After mowing the lawn yesterday, I felt energetic and picked the grapes of the grapevines. There were quite a few, and it made my grateful for all of the migrant workers that spend their days picking much more than I did. No field work for me thank you. I enjoy the process, but I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to pick acre upon acre in the hot sun. Steinbeck wrote so truthfully and poetically of those who worked the land, of their strength and the abuses and manipulation they suffered through. His is one of my favorite authors for that reason. Anyway, we got the juice from the grapes so they can be used for jelly and other delicious things. All of the grapes were extra sweet, especially those of the white variety. There are picture of the grapes I will also be posting on my photo page.
I finished Potter! It took me two months, as I believe in savoring a book. I know there are those of you out there that read it in 15 minutes, and al I have to say to you is, good for you. To each their own I always say. It saddens me that people don’t take the time to enjoy anything anymore. It is always about how fast something can get done or be done. I guess that is why I like baseball. The one thing it is not is fast. Speaking of baseball, the Rockies have won 8 in a row. Good for them. The team has been lousy in recent years, because the organization made the commitment to build the organization from the bottom up. A truly great team is one that builds itself from homegrown talent, and invests its time and energy in its farm system. Now that that investment is paying off, all of the fair-weather Denver fans are returning. For years, everyone clamored for the Blake Street Bombers, but as fun as they were to watch, that team was never going to truly compete for anything. It is fun to watch
And on that sanctimonious note, I bid you adieu. I hope all of you had and will have a wonderful week, and that life is treating you well.
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