Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blog Reboot

Evolution is the natural child of experimentation and growth. As such I am redesigning my blog, simplifying it really and making it more efficent and efficacious. I am a tinkerer. (Is that even a word?) This blog is really meant as a personal blog where I can connect and share just about anything. The same goes for my podcast and webcast. Not much will change with the other two.

As you may have noticed I really haven't touched any of these since february. Why? School is stressful, at least that is the excuse I tell myself. I am all graduated now and on the job hunt so I'm back at it. Let's pray I am more consistent.

I have strived to send a weekly letter to family and friends and I will again strive to get back on top of that but monthly. That is a much more realistic expectation. Expect for the return of the letter, my podcast and webcast sometime in June.

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