Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings! Colorado right now is experiences a moment off warmth after a long deep freeze. I am happy to announce that I have begun my final collegiate semester. Yahoo! I am eager to complete my studies if for no other reason than it will mean spring is here. What a wonderful thing spring is. That is not to say that there are not things about winter that I don’t enjoy. There is nothing prettier than a fresh sheet of snow. As of late I have been filled with the desire to try snow shoeing. It looks like it would be a blast. Skiing and snowboarding has never really appealed to me but the idea of hiking and just exploring sounds like tons of fun. It’s always fun to expand one’s horizon.
I did not get the Government publications position I went for but as a result have received the opportunity to interview for a couple of other positions as a result including one with the music library. All three are Library Technician positions that don’t require a Masters of Library Science but would be good for experience and allow me to have a position while waiting for a Librarian I position. Librarian I is the entry level for Professional position. There is about a 10-15,000 dollar difference between the two levels. Closing on completing my degree one of the biggest things I have been pondering is where I would like to apply. I would like to stay in the West, preferably close to family or at least a major Airport. I think I am going to start by getting a Road Atlas and circle all of the areas I am interested and go from there.
After losing so much weight I have let myself chunk up a bit more a result of slipping into so old bad habits but have committed myself to getting back on track. I have the skills and the knowledge but as is true often in life it is all about application. I love to walk which will always hold me in good stead and enjoy eating healthy foods and being active. Carrot anyone? One either moves ahead or begins to regress. There is no time when one can rest on their laurels. That was for me but I hope I can be an example to all of you that life is about hope, optimism and picking yourselves up no matter how many times you fall.
With that, I hope all is well with each of you and life is treating you well.
P.S. Enjoy my soothing tones and chiseled good looks in this week’s podcast and webcast.
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