Dear Family and Friends,
My beloved Rockies appear to be down for the count but have come a long way as an organization. It is part of life to challenge ourselves and see how we measure up against the best. It allows for growth and maturity. He who does not participate in a fear of failure has already lost and if you must always win to feel satisfaction with self, that speaks more to ego than character. My hats off to the Boston Red Sox, a class organization, who owe much of their success to the talent developed within their farm system. For almost three weeks I let my beard grow afraid to shave less the Rockies lose. Having lost on Monday, I shaved my beard. Rocktober has been a blast and will be filed away with all of my other wonderful baseball memories.
About a month ago, Senator Harry Reid spoke to the student body of BYU during their monthly forum. I think well of the Senator as he is a fellow alumni of Basic High School in Henderson, Nevada. Basic was actually the original name of the city of Henderson, named after the Basic Magnesium plant which brought the town into existence during World War II. In his address he spoke of J. Marlin Walker, a wonderful man with a booming voice, who taught Spanish at the high school when Harry was there as well as I. He was the stake president of my youth and I have vivid memories of listening to him speak, a figure larger than life who didn’t need a microphone to be heard. Memories are wonderful things.
I have been applying for library jobs as spring will be here before we know. The Weld Library District in Greeley is opening up two new libraries: one in Fredrick and another in Erie and UNC has a library technician opening. I have applied for all and hope I get some bites.
With that, I pray all is well with each of you.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Just a Thought...
So many of us make a great fuss of matters of small consequence. We are so easily offended. Happy is the man who can brush aside the offending remarks of another and go on his way.
President Gordon B. Hinckley
October 2007 General Conference
President Gordon B. Hinckley
October 2007 General Conference
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Dear Family and Friends
Dear Family and Friends,
It is cold and dreary here on the front range. It is perfect sleep in weather. The kind where you cozy up under a pile of blankets and make like a bear. See you in the Spring! The boys of summer are still on the field so Summer isn’t completely gone, at least in my heart anyways. How ‘bout them Rockies. As we speak they are currently up 4-1 in the seventh inning of game three. If they hold on we’ll be up in the series 3-0. Nice! Oh yes, and no flying water bottles at Coors Field.
Wasn’t conference inspiring. I have been listening to the sessions again on my mp3 this week; it amazes me how conference always feels tailored just to me. I think I’m in love with Sister Beck. I’ve listened to her speak a few times and I an just so impressed with what she has to say. That was quite the empowering, “tell it like it is” address on motherhood. Some in the world don’t know what there are missing out on. It made me want to be a Mom except for that whole giving birth thing.
Registered for Spring class today. My last! Oh, Joy! I will so be looking forward to Spring. Graduation and Baseball! Does it get any better? For now, I am mired in the heart of the Fall semester. I have a whole Gloria Gaynor vibe going on. I always like to keep a few steps ahead, which has served me well.
Oh yes, and Friday marked my 36th birthday. Mom made a yummy coconut cake for the occasion. Good eats. I took a picture and will post it on my Weblog. Come on people please look at my blog and listen to my podcast. I beg of you, it won’t be hazardous to your heath to listen to my soothing tones. There’s lots of primo stuff. Received a brand new set of scriptures for my birthday. A moment of sad failure has come upon me as I retire my scriptures of almost 15 years. They have served me well and have been worn out. Goodbye faithful friend. My new set for not at least feel like an interloper. That shall pass.
With that, I wish you all well and pray this finds you healthy and happy. Go Rockies!
It is cold and dreary here on the front range. It is perfect sleep in weather. The kind where you cozy up under a pile of blankets and make like a bear. See you in the Spring! The boys of summer are still on the field so Summer isn’t completely gone, at least in my heart anyways. How ‘bout them Rockies. As we speak they are currently up 4-1 in the seventh inning of game three. If they hold on we’ll be up in the series 3-0. Nice! Oh yes, and no flying water bottles at Coors Field.
Wasn’t conference inspiring. I have been listening to the sessions again on my mp3 this week; it amazes me how conference always feels tailored just to me. I think I’m in love with Sister Beck. I’ve listened to her speak a few times and I an just so impressed with what she has to say. That was quite the empowering, “tell it like it is” address on motherhood. Some in the world don’t know what there are missing out on. It made me want to be a Mom except for that whole giving birth thing.
Registered for Spring class today. My last! Oh, Joy! I will so be looking forward to Spring. Graduation and Baseball! Does it get any better? For now, I am mired in the heart of the Fall semester. I have a whole Gloria Gaynor vibe going on. I always like to keep a few steps ahead, which has served me well.
Oh yes, and Friday marked my 36th birthday. Mom made a yummy coconut cake for the occasion. Good eats. I took a picture and will post it on my Weblog. Come on people please look at my blog and listen to my podcast. I beg of you, it won’t be hazardous to your heath to listen to my soothing tones. There’s lots of primo stuff. Received a brand new set of scriptures for my birthday. A moment of sad failure has come upon me as I retire my scriptures of almost 15 years. They have served me well and have been worn out. Goodbye faithful friend. My new set for not at least feel like an interloper. That shall pass.
With that, I wish you all well and pray this finds you healthy and happy. Go Rockies!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Dear Family and Friends
Dear Family and Friends,
I was especially touched by conference. I was truly moved as Elder Nelson stood behind Elder Wirthlin as he was struggling at the podium. I couldn’t help but think of the admonition to strengthen the feeble knees and to lift one another, sharing one another’s burdens. It was symbolic to me of the grace the Savior’s atonement provides, as it lifts each of us, usually through the service we offer one another. When

Have you ever have a moment in your day when it comes to you, the sweet and reassuring witness of the spirit of the truthfulness of the gospel? I had one of those moments today. I was walking home from the library and a peaceful and inspiring thought came to my mind that the church is true. I’ve had that experience on many occasions and I always appreciate how it makes me feel; a peace and reassurance that comes that cannot be put into words. The knowledge of the reality of the Savior and his atonement and truthfulness of his gospel is a part of me. That knowledge has allowed me to believe in myself even when I really didn’t believe in myself. It has allowed me to pick myself up when I have fallen and to reach higher when I have flourished, but most importantly it has inspired me to know who I am and that I am not alone.
With that I wish you all well and pray all is well with you. Take care.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The U.S. as World Leader

It is important for the U.S. to begin once again to act out of confidence and not fear. These thoughts are shared by Roger Cohen in his ED/OP column today. It dovetails nicely with Thomas Friedman's column yesterday. Terrorism and the events of 9/11 are horrific,but we cannot continue to think violence and anger are the cure all. Hope is what makes America great and that is what we must be a beacon of not Thuggery. Call me an internationalist, which in many circles is looked down upon, but we must remember our great legacy of lifting up those who have fallen even if the fault of their dire straits lie in their own hands. Compassion and hope are not handouts, but consist in reaching down to lift another; imbracing the potention of humanity and magnifying those individuals to become true to the best within themselves. America is not about building walls, leaving children behind or leaving our valient soldiers overworked,unprotected and undersupplied.
(Check out my blog from September 27 entitled, "China and Russia: Resources and Aid" which can be seen as a companion peice to this blog.)
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